Tourism Indonesia has so long has been one interesting part of the world tour. When talking about the Indonesian tourist, could be said of tourist attractions in Indonesia as a tourist haven for domestic and foreign tourists because Indonesia has a tourist attraction which is amazing.

Sempu Island: Unfold the beauty of Laguna Segara Charming Chicks

Jumat, 13 Desember 2013

Forget comfort when entering the world of modern conservation forest that hides a stunning lagoon nan in East Java . Remote areas are famous among the travelers named Sempu Island . Its location on the southern coast of Malang and administratively entered rejo Village Pond Village , District Sumbermanjing Wetan .Sempu Island is not far from Blue Spring Beach . From Malang , located approximately 80 kilometers and from the capital of East Java , Surabaya distance of approximately 180 kilometers . The island is covered with tropical trees covering an area of ​​877 hectares is a nature reserve which is managed by the Natural Resources Conservation Center East Java ( BBKSDA ) and the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry . This place is officially recognized as a cultural heritage in 1928 during the reign of the Dutch East Indies .The main attraction is the pretty little island is a lagoon located approximately Chicks Segara 2.5 km south of the island . Hidden away in dense tropical forests circumference , lagoon area of ​​approximately 4 acres is a charming place . White sandy beaches with blue water meets a quiet and separate from the open sea because rocks surrounded . The water in the lagoon is calm Segara Chicks and hence is a perfect place for swimming . With its remote location and path a bit difficult to access , Segara Chicks presents an intimate and private atmosphere .

The journey to Sempu is a challenging adventure anyone who wants to touch Laguna Segara Chicks . The adventure begins by crossing the Strait of Blue Spring Beach heading to the Gulf of Ants ( Ant Bay ) on the island of Sempu . From here , the journey continues through the lane for approximately two hours trekking through dense forests and across steep and rugged road before arriving at the location of the lagoon . Although the path through a rather difficult and slippery but watching the beauty business to offer beautiful hidden lagoons is indeed worth fighting for . If you need a boat and guide services for the island of Sempu , you can look it up in Blue Spring Beach area .As a nature reserve , the island Sempu have different types of ecosystems ranging from coastal forest , mangrove forests , and lowland tropical forests that dominate the whole island . Vegetation found on the island include Sempu Bendo ( Artocarpus elasticus ) , quarterly ( Terminalia ) , WADANG ( Pterocarpus javanicus ) , ketapan ( Terminalia catappa ) , sea hibiscus ( Hibiscus tiliaceus ) , pandan ( Pandanus tectorius ) , Mangrove ( Rhizophora mucronata and Rhizophora apiculata ) , and many more . Interestingly , the name taken from the name Sempu said one of the types of trees found on the island, but the tree is almost hard to find nowadays.Sempu Nature Reserve is also home to wildlife , among others : Java monkey ( Tracypithecus auratus ) , black monkey ( Presbitis Pyrrha cristata ) , Kera Gray / Grey Macaques ( Macaca fascicularis ) , wild boar ( Sus sp ) , deer ( Muntiacus muntjak ) , deer / elk small ( Tragulus javanicus ) , shrimp ( Alcedo Athis ) , fish belodok ( Periopthalmus sp ) , crab ( Ocypoda stimsoni ) , and many more . There are also several types of reptiles , including giant lizards and snakes as well as several species of birds find shelter on the island .


Keep in mind that the island is a nature reserve Sempu and not just a vacation spot, so you need to make an appointment before traveling to the island Sempu. Before doing any activity on the island Sempu, you need to have special access to protected areas (Protected Area Permit entry / SIMAKSI). Admission can be obtained in the following.

BBKSDA Office of East Java
Jl. Bandara Bandara Juanda, Surabaya
Telepon: +62 31 8667239
Faks: +62 31 8671985

Ownership KSDA Capital Region III
Jl. Jawa No. 36, Jember
Section VI Region Conservation
Jl. Mastrip No. 88, Probolinggo

Availability of facilities can be found nearby in Blue Spring Beach. Before embarking on an adventure into the nature reserve area, make sure you are prepared with sufficient logistics, food supply, and drinking water.
Wear boots or appropriate footwear as some fairly slippery and muddy tracks, especially after rain.


Sempu Island has other interesting places that offer stunning natural splendor. Among these are the Waru-hibiscus Beach, Telaga Lele (a freshwater lake that is named after the fish that inhabit many lakes, namely catfish), Tiger Cave, Pasir Panjang, Pasir Twins, Fresh Water Beach (named for the presence of sources fresh springs in the rocks near the beach), and Ponds Sat.


Camping is the only option available if you want to stay overnight on the island Sempu. Remote island which is a nature reserve area was deliberately does not provide any form of tourist facilities. If you decide you want a camper in the area of ​​nature reserve in advance so be sure to enroll in post nature reserve.

Of course also prepare all the necessary logistical requirements and other camping equipment. Beware of luggage and food supplies because sometimes there are a number of monkeys that roam around the tent in search of food.

Mount Bromo: Sunrise, Sand Sea, Equestrian, and a cup of Hot Drinks

Kamis, 12 Desember 2013

Do not say you 've been to East Java when not set foot in this beautiful volcano . Mount Bromo Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is unique with sea sand area of ​​5250 hectares at an altitude of 2392 m above sea level . You can climb Mount Bromo riding and through the stairs and saw the sun rise . Look at how captivating charm of the Sun rising and setting of the time will be a deep personal experience when you see it in person . Mount Bromo is derived from the word Brahma ( one of the Hindu Gods ) . Bromo is a volcano is still active and well-known as a tourist icon of East Java . The mountain is not as big as other volcanoes in Indonesia but has spectacular scenery and dramatic . Exceptional beauty makes tourists who visit will be amazed . From the top of Mount Penanjakan at an altitude of 2,770 m , tourists from all over the world come to see the sunrise Mount Bromo . The scenery is amazing and you will hear only the sound of camera shots that capture the moment when travelers can not be obtained elsewhere . When the incredible sunrise where you 'll see the foreground of Mount Semeru smoke in the distance and the sun shining brightly up into the sky . Enjoy a wide expanse of ocean sand , watching the towering splendor of Mount Semeru reaching for the sky , and look beautiful sun went out of peraduannya or otherwise enjoying the twilight of the ridge Bromo is an unforgettable experience when visited Bromo . Mount Bromo Tengger tribe inhabited by people who believe that Mount Bromo is a place where a prince sacrificed life for his family . People here do Yadnya Kasada or Kasodo festival once a year with the dedication of vegetables , chicken , and the money thrown into the volcano crater to sacrifice to the gods .

A little difficult to get food in the core areas of national parks. But if you forgot to bring food, restaurants near Mount Bromo is open from 3 am to 9 pm at the Village Wonokitri, Tosari Market area. Stalls and restaurants that provide a wide variety of Indonesian dishes like kethoprak, fried rice, salad cingur, bandrek, and many others.

Temperatures on Mount Bromo range between 3 ° -20 ° Celsius, but can be a few degrees below zero during the dry season. If you are not strong with the cold air, you'd better bring a jacket, gloves, and hats or other head coverings. After sunrise the weather is quickly becoming quite hot here. Do not forget to bring a camera or a camcorder so you can capture the stunning natural beauty. From Penanjakan to Ocean Sand, these very steep, so the four-wheeled vehicle is not recommended. Riding, hiking, or rent a 4X4 vehicle from a tour guide can be an alternative.

Papuma Beaches In Most Exotic Beaches is Jember What's In East Java

 Beach Papuma
Papuma Beach, another popular beach and not less beautiful in Jember district. Located right on the south coast of East Java, or more precisely located in the village Lojejer, sub Wuluhan, 45 Km south of the city of Jember, Papuma beach offers the feel of a very beautiful place to visit. Along the coast there Papuma clean white sand and beautiful, and allow the foreign tourists who come to sunbathe on the beach. Besides its natural beauty, the beach is also rich in fauna such as Lizard, Chicken Alas, the birds with its variety, Boar, deer, porcupine and pangolin. On this beach provided some means of support for those who want to enjoy the atmosphere in Papuma longer, such as lodging and camping. At sunset, the atmosphere on the beach Papuma will be more beautiful to enjoy. Twilight dim and swish sea pose an increasingly thunderous atmosphere in drmatis were reluctant to leave behind.

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